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Mikael Saksi is an Application Engineer at Visual Components. His role includes; modelling new components (e.g., robots) and creating new software features, customer and sales technical support, consultancy of customers and partaking in EU projects. Mikael holds a degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland. He contributed to OPTIMAI through Visual Components. His master’s thesis, ‘Development of Manufacturing Simulation for Production Managers’,  is directly linked to the project’s goals. In the interview below, Mikael discusses the key aspects of his thesis and its connection to OPTIMAI.

  • Could you please summarise the main idea of your thesis? 

Main idea of my thesis was to investigate how production simulation software should be developed for production management. More specifically, I investigated suitable metrics and management controls that we should try to incorporate into the software. The thesis proposed three novel software features, which would help bridge the gap to production manager needs.

  • How is your thesis linked to the OPTIMAI project? 

The thesis is linked closely to the Optimai project, as simulation and digital twins can be seen as important tools in the development of I4.0. Moreover, the identification of correct simulation metrics, paves the way for integration of AI into simulation. The OPTIMAI project supported my thesis, as it provided me contacts for my interview research.

  • Anything else you would like to add / any advice to other young people considering conducting research in your area? 

If you are conducting interview research don’t be afraid to reach out to people. More people are willing to help than you think 😊

You can access the thesis here:

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