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OPTIMAI concludes following successful delivery of manufacturing innovations

Manager industrial engineer using tablet check and control automation robot arms machine in intelligent factory industrial on real time monitoring system software. Welding robotics and digital manufacturing operation. Industry 4.0 concept


Press release 

EU-funded project OPTIMAI concludes following successful delivery of novel zero-defect manufacturing solutions

  • The OPTIMAI project Optimizing Manufacturing Processes through Artificial Intelligence and Virtualization received €8.4M in funding from the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme.
  • 16 partner organisations from 8 countries joined forces to deliver novel solutions set to boost human performance in industry.
  • OPTIMAI will have a lasting legacy as the technologies are designed to be rolled out and adapted in production environments across Europe.

1st July 2024

At the end of its 3.5-year journey, the OPTIMAI project team proudly showcases the suite of solutions developed to optimise production, minimise defects and improve training to safeguard European industry for generations to come.

The overarching aim of OPTIMAI was to optimise manufacturing processes through AI, augmented reality and other novel technologies.

By June 2024, the project has successfully developed, tested and validated a broad range of tools that prevent defects, or identify defects and mitigate them, while also empowering workers and enhancing their work satisfaction.

The solutions developed within OPTIMAI bring positive change to shop floor processes and align with the Industry 4.0 principles. The OPTIMAI innovations include augmented reality glasses used for data visualisation and decision-making support, offering real-time assistance on the shop floor; a multimodal sensor network that enables smart and secure data collection in production lines; AI methodologies that allow for early detection of defects in the manufacturing process; an intelligent marketplace that offers profiling, indexing and repurposing of defective parts; as well as digital twinning tools that virtualise the production process and facilitate production planning.

The end-users involved in the development and real-life piloting process have witnessed the positive impact that the technologies can have on the factory and the worker. The adaptable solutions can be applied to a wide range of industrial settings and tailored to the needs of diverse production environments.

OPTIMAI is a key contributor to the digital and green transformation of the  manufacturing sector. Thanks to its innovative solutions, the project fosters more attractive high-tech workplaces to boost competitiveness and to offer appealing, sustainable job opportunities to the next generation of workers, engineers and researchers.


To find out more, please visit or contact OPTIMAI project coordinator Dr Nikolaos Dimitriou ( or Dissemination Manager Linda Henriksson (

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