Welcome to the third OPTIMAI newsletter.
We are halfway through our project, and we are delighted to share some updates on our progress and recent highlights.
In this issue, we focus on our online and media presence, events, our ongoing collaboration with related projects and more.
OPTIMAI has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 958264.
Summer greetings,
The OPTIMAI team

Proudly announcing that our work on AI-based defect detection and soft sensing has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
You will find the paper ‘A Deep Regression Framework Towards Laboratory Accuracy in the Shop Floor of Microelectronics’ and other OPTIMAI publications here.

Media Centre
OPTIMAI’s Media Centre is growing. Have a look at the coverage the project has received from publications all around Europe, and in a variety of languages.
The continuously updated Media centre is live on the project website and contains links to the key press coverage featuring OPTIMAI.

Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash
Optimai Forum
Join the OPTIMAI Forum for Industry 4.0 Stakeholders!
Launched in June 2022, the Forum is open to all Industry 4.0 stakeholders to share news relating to European industry, manufacturing updates, upcoming events of interest, and more.
The Forum operates as a LinkedIn group to foster networking and to facilitate effective knowledge transfer for policy, industrial, research and societal use by allowing professionals in the same industry or with similar interests to make contacts, share content, keep informed and join discussions on relevant topics.

Online Presence
Optimai Infographic: A Quick Explainer

Digital Technologies for Zero-Defect Manufacturing Webinar
The 4ZDM cluster of EU-funded zero-defect manufacturing projects and the European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA) successfully co-organised the webinar Digital Technologies for Zero-Defect Manufacturing on Wednesday 20th April 2022.
More information including the recordings and presentations is available
here: https://optimai.eu/2022/05/03/4zdm-cluster-hosts-successful-webinar/
Industry 4.0 – Digital Transformation in Industry Workshop
OPTIMAI partner University of Thessaly (UTH) hosted a physical workshop with its Department of Energy Systems in Larissa, Greece, on Wednesday, 11 May 2022.
The inspiring event hosted approximately 75 attendees. The audience was comprised of students of UTH’s Department of Energy Systems and Department of Mechanical Engineering, faculty members, technical staff, and representatives from local industries.
More information including the presentations given by Dr. Elpiniki Papageorgiou and Dr. Theodosis Theodosiou is available here: https://optimai.eu/2022/05/18/uth-hosts-workshop-in-greece-industry-4-0-digital-transformation-in-industry/

Upcoming Events
- IoT Week, 20-23 June 2022, Dublin, Ireland
- Automatica Trade Fair, 21-24 June 2022, Munich, Germany
- IndTech 2022 Conference on Industrial Technologies, 27-29 June 2022, Grenoble, France: OPTIMAI will share a booth with the 4ZDM cluster in the EFFRA village
- European Robotics Forum, 28-30 June 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands
OPTIMAI Plenary meeting 21-22 July 2022, hosted by FORTH in Heraklion, Crete
OPTIMAI is part of the 4ZDM cluster together with its sister projects funded under DT-FoF-11-2020/DT-FoF-10-2020: InterQ, DAT4.ZERO, I4Q and PeneloPe.
To learn about the collaboration between the 4ZDM projects, visit our cluster website:

If you’re at IndTech2022, come say hello to OPTIMAI, DAT4.ZERO, I4Q and Penelope at the 4ZDM cluster booth in the EFFRA village!