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EVT- Eye Vision Technology GmbH


Brief Biography of Partner

EVT was founded in 1999 by Michael Beising, a student at KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) with the clear idea to create “easy to use” software for machine vision solutions. The idea was to enable even a layman to create complex machine vision solutions, using a fast time-to-market approach.

A few years later, based on the needs of customers, EVT also started to develop specialised hardware for machine vision solutions. This is mainly hardware that can’t be found on the market, or that enables the market access based on suitable hardware for a target market.

In the meantime, the software has been sold over 20.000 times either as a stand-alone solution or integrated in embedded systems in original equipment manufacturer (OEM) machines.

Today the focus is on enabling the power of the new technologies such as 3D, Thermal, Hyperspectral imaging, but also the latest Deep Learning technologies.

EVT Logo

Partner’s Role in the OPTIMAI project

EVT will develop advanced algorithms for machine vision and the supported hardware, but also the communication infrastructure, tools and protocols. This will enable the solutions of the different partners to be communicated between them as well as with the production environment on all levels such as inter machine communication, factory floor communication and also the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) environment.

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